painted bunting


  • Local Time
  • Location: Van Alstyne, Texas, United States
  • Source: Cornhole Bird Labs
  • Info: Live streaming garden bird webcam in Texas. The birds shown are at a feeder located in Van Alstyne. The central location of Texas means that birds from both the eastern and western U.S. can be seen. Texas also shares a long border with Mexico so many species of birds primarily found there can be seen in Texas.
    The Audubon Guide to North American Birds is a fantastic online guide to identifyling birds.

    To view more live bird watching webcams in the United States, see : Live Garden Bird Webcams in North America

More info: The bird feeders are frequented by many species of birds, including Painted Buntings, Indigo Buntings, Purple Finches and many others.

The Mockingbird is the state bird of Texas and was chosen in 1927 as it is common all year throughout Texas.

The smallest bird in Texas is the Calliope Hummingbird which is only about 3 in long and the largest bird in Texas is the Bald Eagle.

Video showing some common garden birds and their songs:

Download a printable copy of Texas Birds: Introducing Texans to Common Birds, from Texas Parks and Wildlife, here

Additional Information:
  • Backyard Birds of Texas - Bird Watching Academy and Camp -
  • Common Backyard Birds of the United States - American Bird Conservancy -
  • Top Texas Birding Spots - Bird Watchers Digest -
  • 17 Types of Hummingbirds in Texas (with Pictures) - Bird Adviser -
  • 13 Different Species of Woodpeckers in Texas - Bird Adviser -