![little penguin burrow](https://www.mangolinkcam.com/newversion/img/little-penguin-2.jpg)
- Current time in Dunedin
- Location: Phillip Island, Australia
- Source: Phillip Island Nature Parks
Info: Live little penguin webcam inside a burrow on Phillip Island in Australia. Phillip Island is home to the largest Little Penguin colony in the world.
The webcam is owned by Phillip Island Nature Parks.
View the location of Phillip Island, Australia, with Mapquest
To watch more live views of seabirds and coastal wildlife, visit: Live Seabird Webcams
More info: Phillip Island is located just off Australia’s southern coast.
Little penguins are native to Australia. On Phillip Island, they leave their burrows around an hour before sunrise and head for the sea, swimming up to 100kms each day before they return to the island at dusk.
Little penguins weigh just under a kilo with the males slightly heavier. They will consume the equivalent of their body weight in food each day. Their diet consists of anchovies, small fish, pilchards, garfish and krill.
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