- Local tme
- Location: Troy, Ohio, United States
- Source: www.troyohio.gov
Info: Live streaming birdwatching webcam in Ohio. The webcam is located in one of the many
parks in the city of Troy. Take a look at
Birds of the Monarch Habitat to identify visitors to the feeders.
To view more live bird watching webcams in the United States, see : Live Garden Bird Webcams in North America
More info: Troy, is nestled in the Miami Valley of Ohio and is located 20 miles north of Dayton.
The webcam is located in the Monarch Butterfly Habitat, north of Treasure Island Park and adjacent to the Great Miami River. The birdfeeder station has different types of feeders to attract a wide variety of birds. It is placed next to the Monarch Habitat Gazebo which is a wildlife observation area and a walking path connecting the to the Monarch Habitat walking trail.
The City of Troy has 26 parks covering 321 acres of land which is for for public use and recreation.
The Official State Bird of Ohio, since 1933, is the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) which is one of America's favorite backyard songbirds.
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