• Local Time
  • Location: Richmond, Virginia, United States
  • Source: Wild Streaming
  • Info: Live streaming osprey webcam in Richmond in Virginia. The osprey nest shown is in the middle of the James River on a bridge piling. The great majority of Virginia's ospreys are migratory, arriving from their winter grounds in March and April.

    To view more ospreys in North America, Visit : Live Osprey Webcams in the USA

More info: The RVA Osprey Cam first came to life in the late winter of 2017.

Ospreys prefer to build their large stick nests near water at sites with good visibility and limited access for predators.

Additional information:
  • About Ospreys - Virginia Institute of Marine Science - www.vims.edu
  • Bird Guide, Ospreys - Audubon www.audubon.org
  • Osprey - Cornell Lab - www.allaboutbirds.org
  • Osprey, Pandion haliaetus - eBird - ebird.org