• Local time
  • Location: Chichester Cathedral, Chichester, West Sussex, England
  • Source: CarnyxWild
  • Info: Live streaming peregrine falcon webcam at Chichester Cathedral in England. Peregrine falcons have been nesting below the spire for 20 years. The project is funded jointly by Chichester Cathedral, David Shaw Wildlife and the Sussex Ornithological Society.
    For lots of information on the peregrines you can visit: Chichesterperegrines

    See all UK peregrine falcon webcams here

More info: Peregrine falcons are widespread in the UK through the western part of England, and in Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

The nest site is known as an eyrie and is usually on a grassy or earthen cliff-ledge, quarry or other inaccessible undisturbed location, however, buildings and other constructions are increasingly being used. Old nests of other species such as ravens are used elsewhere in the world, but rarely in the UK.

The nest itself is a slight scrape in earth or old debris on the nest ledge. No material is brought in to build a nest and the female forms the scrape using her chest and legs. The female peregrine normally lays a clutch of three or four eggs in late March or April at 2-3 day intervals.

Additional Information :
Peregrine Falcon Facts - RSPB -
Peregrine falcons are the top birds in town -
Peregrine Falcon - Falco peregrinus -
Peregrine Falcon - The Peregrine Fund -