stone curlews


  • Local time
  • Location: Weeting Heath, Norfolk, England
  • Source: Norfolk Wildlife Trust
  • Info: Live stone curlew webcam at Weeting Heath in Norfolk. The stone curlew, also known as a dikkop, or thick-knee, has distintive looks with long yellow legs and large round yellow eyes. It is also noticeable by its nocturnal plaintive calls.

More info: At the Norfolk Wildlife Trust Weeting Heath Reserve, there is a conservation management system in place, to maintain a healthy population of rabbits who graze the vegetation shorter than 2cm to provide a suitable habitat for nesting stone curlews.

Surprisingly, stone curlews are not always easy to spot, as they can somehow manage to look remarkably like a rabbit from a distance. Often, particularly when nesting, they sit motionless for long periods and it is not until they move across the ground in short, running bursts that they become obvious. Towards dusk, stone curlews become more active and this is when you hear their haunting, wailing calls.

The stone curlew diet consists mainly of insects and other invertebrates. Larger species also take lizards and even small mammals.

Video of a Eurasian stone-curlew nest (From egg to chick)
Courtesy of George konstantinou - Cyprus Wildlife tours

Additional Information :
Stone Curlew -
Eurasian Thick-knee - Burhinus oedicnemus -
The Norfolk Plover: A Study of the Stone-curlew -