- local time
- Location: Florida, United States
- Source: Nest Box Live
Info: Live tufted titmouse nest webcam in Florida.
The tufted titmouse is a small gery songbird, of North America, in the tit and chickadee family.
Both the sexes have white undersides, grey backs. rusty brown sides and pointed crests on the head.
More info: At one time the tufted titmouse was only known to the Ohio and Mississippi drainage areas but since the 1940's they have expanded throughout the eastern seaboard and now continue to expand their range northwards into Canada.
The breeding season is between March and May. Between 5 to 8 brown-speckled white eggs are laid which are incubated by the female for 13 to 17 days. Tufted titmice may have one or two broods each season.
Video showing the lovely Tuted Titmouse