Live Webcam at Gondwana Canyon Park in Nambia

    Within the red Sands of the Gondwana Canyon Park is a unique waterhole with a webcam streaming 24/ 7. The webcam is powered by a solar panel and the stream is wirelessly transmitted to the NAMIB DESERT LODGE

    Originally this area of 125,000 hectares comprised of privately owned sheep farms. These farms were bought and transformed into 4 privately owned game reserves. The park was stocked with giraffes, zebras, oryx, kudus, springbuck, and ostriches. Leopard and cheetah were resident in the area.

    The flat red sands are bounded by red sandstone cliffs referred to as fossilised sand dunes Throughout the day there is a constant stream of oryx drinking at the waterhole. The other game you will see are springbok, wildebeest, zebra, ostrich and occasionally giraffe. Every morning and evening there are jackals drinking from the waterhole.

    The birdlife using the waterhole is very interesting where crows, rock pigeons and sand grouse are daily visitors. Several species of vulture are occasional visitors taking the opportunity for a good bath.

    The sun sets in Namibia about 45 mins later than the Kruger National Park. This means viewers watching wildlife webcams in the Kruger area can switch to Namibia when the light fades in Kruger. And when it is raining in the Kruger area and there is very little to watch switch to Namibia where you are in the desert and it very seldom rains.