• Local time
  • Location: Bradley Mountain Farm, Southington, Connecticut, United States
  • Source: www.bradleymountainfarm.com
  • Info: Live streaming goat webcam at Bradley Mountain Farm, Southington, Connecticut, United States. Bradley Mountain Farm is a 200 year old dairy farm and offers anything and everything to do with goats !

More info: Bradley Mountain Farm is a 200 year old dairy farm built by Ichahod Bradley in 1813. It is located at the foot of Bradley Mountain and next to Crescent Lake in Southington, Connecticut.

The farm makes goat milk soaps, body ream and more and has lots of events including goat walks, goat therapy, birthday parties, farm camps and farm weddings.

The farm currently has 25 beloved dairy goats that are LaMancha, Mini-LaMancha, and Nigerian Dwarf breeds.