- Local time
- Location: Bat World Sanctuary, Weatherford, Texas, United States
- Source:
Info: Live streaming webcam showing bats feeding on insects at Bat World Sanctuary in Texas, United States.
Insectivorous bats represent 70% of all bat species. They play an important role in the control of insect populations, including agricultural pests.
To watch more views of live bat species, visit: Live Webcams with Bats
The bats live in a miniature cave with simulated rock ledges and the camera is always in night vision.
70% of all bats are insectivorous. All bats living in the United States and Canada eat insects, except 3 species of nectar-feeding bats living along the Texas-Arizona border. Bats are the only flying mammals that are active mostly at night and occur on all continents except Antarctica.
Many insectivorous bat species have suffered drastic declines in numbers due to a disease known as white-nose syndrome (WNS). This disease is caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans and has been devastating colonies of hibernating bats in the eastern United States for several years.
Like WNS, the development of alternative energy in the form of industrial wind energy facilities is also having a harmful effect on bats through collisions with moving turbine blades. These fatal encounters often coincide with the autumn migration of bats.
Video showing Priscilla, a hoary bat eating an insect:
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