- Local time
- Location: Bat World Sanctuary, Weatherford, Texas, United States
- Source:
Info: Live streaming webcam with deer in Weahterford in Texas. The two species of deer native to texas are the white-tailed deer and the mule deer.
The webcam is located at Bat World Sanctuary.
To watch more live views of wild deer, visit: Live Deer and Elk Webcams
More info: Across the state of Texas, the size of deer populations varies. The Texas Hill Country, which is the area around Fredericksburg, Llano, Mason and Kerr County, has the highest deer population in the state with numbers reaching a couple of million deer. Llano and Mason counties boast deer densities exceeding 290 deer per 1,000 acres.
White-tailed deer are found in the deep woods and river bottoms of East Texas, the oak and cedar thickets of Central Texas, the brushy canyons of west and north-central Texas, and the mesquite thickets and rangelands of South Texas.
Download a detailed printable guide to North American White-tailed Deer here
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