wild deer feeding station


More info: Deer are equipped with amazing senses. With protruding eyes widely spaced, a deer has nearly 360 degree vision and they are highly attuned to unusual movements. Deer have dichromatic vision, which means they see in two primary colours, yellow and blue, but they see oranges and reds more as shades of grey (thus the logic of wearing bright orange during the hunting season ). Deer have excellent hearing as their large, pivoting ears are able to collect sounds from long distances. Their sense of smell is far more developed than humans and they sense danger and also communicate with each other by detecting and judging odours left by other deer and predators.

Any time a deer is spooked, its white tail will pop up and wave back and forth as the animal bounds or sprints away, as a warming to other deer in the area (the deer is also likely to snort or wheeze loudly to give alarm). A deer in full flight can leap up to 30 feet in one bound, jump an eight-foot fence and hit speeds well over 40 miles per hour.

Additional Information:
  • White-tailed Deer - Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife - maine.gov
  • White-tailed deer - Nature Works - nhpbs.org
  • Nature Mapping, Animal Facts - White-tailed Deer - theanimalfiles.com
  • White-Tailed Deer - Working With Wildlife - content.ces
  • Deer - National Wildlife Control Training - wildlifecontroltraining.com