hedgehogs in germany at night


  • Local time
  • Location: Germany
  • Source: Joram Knaack
  • Info: Live streaming webcam showing hedgehogs visiting a garden in Germany. Several different hedgehogs come to the feeder during the night.
    Rewind the live stream to view the hedgehogs at night.

    To watch more live views of small creatures and critters, visit: Live Small Mammal Webcams

More info: Hedgehogs feel most at home in areas which have good nesting sites and food supply which are located closely together. They are commonly found on the outskirts of settlements, gardens and parks.

Depending on weather and climate, the mating season takes place between May and August. In Germany about 50% of all hedgehogs are born in August and another 30% in September.

Additional Information:
  • European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) - www.nhm.ac.uk