hedgehog feeding at night


  • Local time
  • Location: Recke, Germany
  • Source: NatureTec
  • Info: Live streaming hedgehog webcam in Germany. The hedgehogs shown are visiting a feeding station in a garden in Recke. As well as the hedgehogs all sorts of birds visit - all the creatures are wild and free to come and go.
    Rewind the live stream to view the hedgehogs at night.

    To watch more live views of small creatures and critters, visit: Live Small Mammal Webcams

More info: The European hedgehog is a protected species, but its populations are declining across Europe, due to problems including lack of food, habitat loss and fragmentation or life-threatening injuries caused by human activities.

Additional Information:
  • European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) - www.nhm.ac.uk