• Local time
  • Location: Mara Bushtops, Masai Mara, Kenya, East Africa
  • Source: Bushtops Camps
  • Info: Live webcam in the Masai Mara in Kenya, East africa. Thousands of visitors go to the Mara annually for some of the most authentic safari experiences in Africa.
    The webcam is located at Mara Bushtops

    View the location of Masai Mara National Park, here

    To view more live animal and game reserve webcams in Kenya, Visit : Live Kenya Wildlife Webcams

Info: The Masai Mara National Reserve covers around 370 000 acres in south-western Kenya. It forms the northern-most part of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, famous for the annual Wildebeest Migration. The landscape is dotted with thorn trees, rock kopjes and craters, and the reserve is drained by its major rivers: the Sand, Talek and Mara Rivers.

Masai Mara is home to the "Big 5", namely Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo. The reserve is one of the best in East Africa for big cats and smaller predators such as bat-eared fox. Black-backed jackal and spotted hyena are also present. Antelope include impala, reedbuck, Thomson's gazelle, eland and topi.

The Mara River provides the chief obstacle for the migration. The legendary wildebeest migration is one of the world’s most amazing wildlife encounters when millions of animals leave northern Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and head into the Masai Mara.

Additional information:
  • Birds of Maasai Mara - Masai Mara Travel -
  • Mammals of Maasai Mara - Masai Mara Travel -
  • Best time for wilderbeest migration - Wilderbeest Sightings -
  • Masai Mara National Park - National Parks -