• Local Time
  • Location: Onguma Safari Camps, Onguma Nature Reserve, Namibia, Southern Africa
  • Source: Africam
  • Info: Live African wildlife webcam in Namibia. The view shows a waterhole in Onguma Nature Reserve at Onguma Safari Camp on the border of Etosha National Park. Watch plains game including kudu, giraffe, eland, oryx, hartebeest, zebra and impala, come to drink at the waterhole.

    To view more live animal webcams in Namibia, visit : Live Namibia Wildlife Webcams

More Info: Onguma Safari Camps is situated on the eastern border of Etosha National Park in Onguma Nature Reserve which has more than 34,000 hectares of protected land and wildlife. During the Namibian summer, the nature reserve becomes a birdwatcher's paradise, with thousands of species migrating to the wetlands created by the seasonal rains and ephemeral river systems.

The name Onguma in the local Herero language, means ‘the place you don’t want to leave’

For a very good guide to wildlife of Namibia, visit

Informative video about wildlife conservation in the Onguma Nature Reserve:

Additional Information :
  • Namibia Geography -
  • Birds of Namibia -