• Local time Texas
  • Location: Schaumburg, Cook county, llinois, United States
  • Source: SchaumBird Life
  • Info: Live streaming webcam showing raccoons visiting a garden in Schaumburg, in Illinois. As well as the raccoons you may also see skunks at night and squirrels and chipmunks in the daytime.

    To watch more live views of small creatures and critters, visit: Live Small Mammal Webcams

More info: Raccoons are found throughout Illinois and are common in urban areas. Raccoons are mesopredators and they help control local insect and rodent populations. They are also important seed dispersers.

Raccoons are nocturnal and search for food at night. During the day they usually remain close to their den though in urban areas, they may often be seen during the day. Raccoons do not hibernate, but will remain in their den for several days if the winter weather is severe.

Additional Information:
  • Raccoon - Procyon lotor - Illinois Department of Narural Resources - wildlifeillinois.org