squirrel nesting


  • Local Time
  • Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Source: trakdv
  • Info: Live streaming squirrel webcam in Dallas, Texas. The squirrel is a fox squirrel and is inside a nest box which was originally set up for a screech owl.

    To watch more live views of Squirrels around the world, visit: Live Squirrel Webcams

More info: Fox squirrels are found in the forests and along the rivers and streams in the eastern two-thirds of Texas and the eastern half of the United States. Fox squirrels are the largest tree squirrel in North America.

Fox squirrels generally have two breeding seasons and two litters per year. The breeding season peaks in January and February and then again in May and June. There are usually 3 to 4 young which are born blind and helpless, however, 3 months later they are able to fend for themselves.

Fox squirrels eat acorns and other nuts, buds, fruit, fungi, insects, amphibians and the inner bark of trees. Their fondness for corn and pecans often cause them to be considered pests by farmers but they are in fact important in planting many species of nut trees as they only find a portion of the nuts which they bury for winter.

Video showing fox squirrel Minnie and her babies:

Additional Information:
  • Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) - Texas Parks and Wildlife - tpwd.texas.gov
  • EASTERN FOX SQUIRREL - Sciurus niger Linnaeus - Texas Tech University - depts.ttu.edu
  • The History of Squirrels in North America - All about Squirrels - allaboutsquirrels.org
  • Living with Wildlife - Tree Squirrels - dfw.state.or.us
  • Fox squirrel - Sciurus niger - Nature Works - nhpbs.org