• Local time
  • Location: Murrysville, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Source: PixCams
  • Info: Live Pennsylvania squirrel and bird webcam. The squirrels visit the feeders which are in a mature oak wooded area. The gray squirrel is Pennsylvania's most common squirrel and lives both in towns and rural areas.

    To watch more live views of Squirrels around the world, visit: Live Squirrel Webcams

More info: Gray squirrels are probably the wariest of Pennsylvania's squirrels. They are quicker than fox squirrels and less vocal than red squirrels, although they sound warning barks and assorted "chucks." Hawks, owls, foxes and tree-climbing snakes occasionally kill young squirrels, but adults are not easily taken.

A maximum life span for a wild gray squirrel could be 10 years or even longer, but few live more than two or three years.

Video showing a very determined squirrel named Shirley:

Additional Information:
  • Squirrels - Wildlife Note - Pennsylvania Game Commission - pgc.pa.gov
  • Squirrel Breeding Biology - Gestation, Birth and Kitten Development - Wildlife Online - wildlifeonline.me.uk
  • The History of Squirrels in North America - All about Squirrels - allaboutsquirrels.org
  • What do you know about squirrels in Pennsylvania? - Penn Live - pennlive.com
  • Protected Species in Pennsylvania: Northern Flying Squirrel - Penn State Extension - extension.psu.edu